Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ipsy June 2014

Ipsy is another $10 subscription box service you receive monthly. I used to subscribe to this (read about it here) but went away from it for awhile...but VOILA! I'm back. The nice thing about Ipsy is that you receive deluxe to full size products in every bag (unlike BB sometimes). You also get a cute little bag each month. They also have a points system much like BB, where you get points if you review products - however, their store is no where near as good as BB's in my opinion. 

BirchBox June 2014

Birchbox is a $10 monthly subscription box that consists of makeup and lifestyle extras. The lifestyle extras have been anything from candy, tea, headbands to chapstick and vitamins. Each month, you will get 4-5 deluxe/full size samples and you can earn points by going online and reviewing the products in your box (it's really easy! and you get 10 points per review). The points can be redeemed for full size products, accessories, phone cases, bags, etc... in the BB shop. If you'd like to see more of my past Birchboxes, click the "Subscription Boxes" link above!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Graze Box

Well, I have added another subscription box to my growing list of boxes. However, this is the best kind of box because it is FOOOOOOOOOD. YUM.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Apps for your Fit Life!

Recently, I have become more determined to get fit and healthy this summer. The moment that kind of inspired this was when I weighed myself and realized that I weigh 10 pounds more than I thought I did. While I am by no means fat, it is still a shocker to weigh yourself and see the number to be higher than you expected. 
This is when some of you say: "But Raaaayveeeen, that number doesn't define youuuuu!!" To which I respond: You're right. But, I am letting this number define me right now. I am going to let it define me because I KNOW it is not weight from eating healthy and working out regularly. It is weight from eating poorly and making poor health choices. I swear that if I start eating well and working out and still weigh this amount, I'll be happy, however, it's just KNOWING that it is from poor habits that bothers me. 
Along with my weight, like every person on the planet, I am not as pleased with my body as I could be. Don't get me wrong - I don't put myself down, I just believe that if I had Jen Selter's ass and abs and everything in my life would be a hell of a lot easier. (Don't worry - I am realistic in knowing the ass thing may never happen....I was not as fortunately touched by an angel in the ass genetics area). What I want is to be the best me I can be (even though we all die in the end least I'll look good doing it).
Upon becoming inspired to look like a VS model, I started looking at the App Store, to which I came across these two wonderful apps that made me wish I would have freaking thought of them:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 2014 Birchbox Review

Birchbox is a $10 monthly subscription box that consists of makeup and lifestyle extras. The lifestyle extras have been anything from candy, tea, headbands to chapstick and vitamins. Each month, you will get 4-5 deluxe/full size samples and you can earn points by going online and reviewing the products in your box (it's really easy! and you get 10 points per review). The points can be redeemed for full size products, accessories, phone cases, bags, etc... in the BB shop (*post to come showing what I got with my points!).

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Favorite Beauty YouTubers

For the past couple of years, I have been attempting to step up my makeup game (that is, when I actually decide to wear makeup) and try new brands, techniques and discover what works in my favor.

Enter the beauty gurus of YouTube. I'm not sure how I came to learn about these gurus, I'd like to think the beauty gods from above sent some good vibes and wisdom my way so that I would venture to YouTube .....but who am I to really say? I have learned so much about brands, products, haircare and techniques from them.  The nice thing about these gals are that they are honest with you, which is great, because I am a broke college girl and would be decently pissed if I went out and bought this "amaaaazinggggg" $60 foundation and discovered it was just as good as the $6 stuff I already own.

So, if you're ugly like me and want to improve your looks so someone will like you, but don't have the means to just go try a product and throw it away because it didn't work for you, I strongly recommend taking a gander at these women!