Sunday, March 25, 2012


So, this weekend was quals for little 500 was interesting to say the least.
Background story: I went with two friends, one has a brother that rides for Beta *Natalia & *Yessica

Here are my events:

5:30am- Alarm goes off, hits snooze
5:45am- Decides to wake up
6:00am- Takes first shot of the day
6:05am- Starts getting ready
6:20am- Is up to 3 shots
6:40am- Arrives at Beta
7:00am- Loses Friends in house
7:00-7:10am-Asks various people if they have seen a redhead running around
7:11am- Goes into Friend's brothers' room (who is a rider, and is trying to mentally prepare for his race) and asks him where his sister is...he doesn't know.....I awkwardly stand there and then realize this is awkward.
7:12am- Leaves feeling awkward
7:15am- Finds friends
7:16am-8:30am- Drinks some more
8:50am- Race starts, during this point in time, Yessica is HAMMERED. Seriously, that doesn't even describe it. Anyway, Natalia & I tell her to head to the bathroom because she cannot puke in front of hundreds of people, along with cops around...she drunkenly heads to the bathroom
8:52am- Race ends, we decide that we should probably go find Yessica
9:00am- We have looked everywhere, no Yessica..
9:01am- Think we spot her standing, decide that is not her because "that girl is too composed"
9:01am- We decide she has figured it out herself and we head back to Beta
9:05am- Natalia receives a call from her brother (who just rode for quals and is probably extremely exhausted and wants to do nothing but relax)  telling her to come in the kitchen
9:06am- Natalia & I walk into the kitchen to find TWENTY + people (including multiple riders)surrounding Yessica over a trashcan, head down inside of it
9:06.25s am- I yell out "WTF"
9:07am- I am 100% sober again
9:08am- We find out how she got back to the house ....On her way to the bathroom, she fell down some bleachers, possibly experiencing a small concussion and since she was wearing a cycling shirt representing the house, they had to take her back for liability purposes.....Turns out, she did not find her way back like we had hoped
9:20am- After getting her to answer some common-knowledge questions, we decide to move her upstairs
9:20-9:45am- We wait while she drinks water and starts sobering up
Ps. During all of these events Natalia is extremely upset because obvi. it's her brother's house and it was a big day for the riders, so during all of this I am attempting to calm Natalia down and still make sure Yessica isn't dying
10:00am- Yessica is getting better, so we decide now is the time to get her a ride and take her back to the dorm
10:02am- Made it into the kitchen to leave
10:02.15s am-Yessica pukes everywhere
10:02.17s am- I yell out another "WTF," and add "WE WERE SO CLOSE"
10:03am- We sit Yessica down and let her get it together
10:10am- We move quickly and get into the car
10:12am- We successfully make it back to the dorm without any puking
10:15am- Yessica claims she has to use the bathroom
10:20am- Yessica has yet to leave the bathroom, I am worried she is passed out
10:30am- She finally comes out
10:30am- I make her lay down until she passed the fuck out
10:45am- She finally passes out
10:50am- I finally go get breakfast
11:00am- I go to Sigma Chi
11:00-11:30am- I decide today has been extremely rough and that I will consume alcohol the rest of the day happens
11:30am- I run into a friend from home, she is schwasted
11:35am- I witness her casually face down, puking in front of the bar... I am the only one who sees, she thought no one saw it, I laugh hysterically
11:36am- She is ready to go again and starts drinking, I commend her
11:37-12:00pm- Drinks, dancing, fun
12:00pm- Cops arrive because of multiple noise complaints
12:00pm-12:30pm- Hide out in a room
12:30pm- A brother comes in and tells us that everyone has to leave but just be fine when walking out and it's not a big deal
12:35pm- I leave, see no cops....I decide this is a ploy to get all the girls to leave so the brothers can demolish all 65 pizzas they ordered for the party and had conveniently not arrived yet.....
12:35-12:40pm- I argue with a drunken boyfriend
12:40pm- I decide to go back to the dorms
12:45pm- I get told Sigma Chi sucks by a guy in Acacia...clearly hammered
12:50pm- I find myself sober yet again
1:00pm- The freaking bus finally comes
1:10pm- Arrive home, tell everyone on my floor to start drinking as I join
1:10-1:50pm- Drinks
1:50pm- Sprints to the track
2:00pm- Watches Sigma Chi race
2:00pm-2:30pm- Sits at the track sobering up again
2:30pm- A Di Pi is about to race, my friends and I are sitting in their section, they continue to sit around us
2:31pm- Decide this is awkward, but I am too lazy to move
2:35pm- Their race begins
2:35.20s pm- We stand up and pretend to be in A Di Pi and chant with them...however, we then decide this is weird and they suck at riding
2:33-3pm- Do nothing again
3pm- We chant hardcore for our floormate
3:02pm- She kicked ass and we are happy
3:03pm- Decide we are starving
3:05pm- Decide we should go drink and then eat dinner
3:05-4:15pm- Drinks
4:15-5:10pm- Eat dinner, drunk finally
5:15pm- I decide I am only tipsy now
5:30pm- Arrive back home
5:30-6:00pm- We decide it is an awesome idea to go outside and lay out
6:30pm- We come back inside
6:30pm-9pm - Drinks....However, never becomes drunk

So.....Yeah, that was my eventful day yesterday. It is fucking hilarious looking back on it, but at the time it was ....still funny. I laughed every moment of the way.  Can't wait for the Little 5 events to commence.

*Names have been changed to protect the intoxicated

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