Tuesday, April 3, 2012

50 Things I Would Rather Do...


1.Eat myself to death
2. Study
3. Read an entire biology book
4. Listen to "Call Me Maybe" 1000 times on repeat
5. Lay outside in a hail storm
6. Never eat again
7. Cut all my hair off
8. Try to give Eminem advice
9. Give myself a paper cut
10. Throw up Chipotle
11. Try to stay awake during meditation
12. Go to Rack City
13. Never eat ice cream again
14. Get a tattoo of a marijuana leaf on my face
15. Try to catch a Leprechaun
16. Tell everyone I think Casey Anthony is innocent in Florida
17. Vote for Obama
18. Go to a party at Lambda Chi
19. Not drink again for 1 whole week
20. Finish my 20 page lab report
21. Call Carly Jae Jepsen ...maybe
22. Fall asleep at an insomniac meeting
23. Go to Japan
24. Go to Saudi Arabia
25. Go to Antarctica
26. Try to decipher the Da Vinci Code
27. Promise to stay home for Spring Break
28. Move to Alaska
29. Do all drugs possible, then go to rehab
30. Relapse
31. Be a chemistry major
32. Drink bleach
33. Delete my Facebook
34. Go to a Lil B concert
35. Work
36. Call customer support in India
37. Eat cottage cheese
38. Cut my right hand off
39. Get into a debate with a Jehovah's Witness
40.  Try to tame a feral cat
41. Ask the government to just keep my tax return
42. Skydive without a parachute
43. Be bleeding in the middle of the ocean
44. Remove my mom's nuvaring
45. Encourage someone that they are a photographer because they have Instagram
46. Eat a spider
47. Say "bomb" on a plane
48. Tell someone Purdue is the greatest school to exist
50. Make a list of 50 things I'd rather do ....

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