Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Color Run

So I ran The Color Run today! I've heard so many great things about this 5K (3 miles) and decided this year would be the year to do it! I woke up at 6 am (BLEH) and the race started at 8 am. They had heats going so we didn't start running until about 8:15ish. I was confused at first as to when I was going to be colored, but I really enjoyed how they did it. They just had little areas you ran thru and people would spray you with the designated color. By the end  I was so sweaty because it was about a billion degrees out, but it was worth it. Then, after you've finished, there's a "party" with a DJ and that's when you throw your color packet up in the air and get even more color! They gave away some free stuff and there was dancing. I was very impressed with how this event was prepared for. They gave away free food and water at the race and had clothes pins (they thought of everything!), a headband, a SOFT shirt and 2 tattoos in the bag you get for running the race. Overall, I would strongly recommend this 5k if you don't want to be too competitive and just want to have fun with friends.

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To learn more about The Color Run, click here.

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