Monday, July 8, 2013

Motivational Monday: Let the Anchor Loose

Do you ever feel like you are holding onto things that you just...well...should let go? Maybe it's a bad experience, something you said, a sad memory or broken idea....Or a person. It is always something easier said than done, to just "let go." But, perhaps, you just need a little perspective:

Insert cheesy Pinterest quote pic.

1. Stop dwelling. Constantly beating yourself up over something that is in the past (hold up - Key word: PAST) will not make it better. You have to understand that what is done, is done.There is no taking back words or actions, so you might as well live in the present. However, I am not saying go out and ruin someone's life by doing/saying something and not feel bad for it. That is wrong and KARMA will get cho ass.

2. Apologize. This could mean apologizing to the person you wronged or yourself. Honestly, I personally believe both should be done. You need to let the person know that you understand what you did was wrong and hurt them, but you also need to let yourself know that you aren't going to dwell on this any longer and that you feel bad for making yourself feel awful and waste so much time ruining opportunities to progress as a person.

3. Forgive. Again, you need to forgive the person and yourself. If you don't forgive someone, you can't move forward. I'm absolutely not saying you have to be friends with them, because you don't. Some people hurt others very badly and will never be able to get their relationship back to where it once was, some will.

Let me give you a personal example: I had a close friend to me wrong me my freshman year of college. It was horrible how we treated one another and spent the rest of the year hating one another, slightly hindering our freshman experience. HOWEVER, we are fine now. You want to know why? Because we spent time a part, grew up, and forgave one another. Are we best friends? No. Are we friends? Yes. And I can honestly say that when I see/talk to her, I have no bad feelings. 

You have to forgive yourself for either a.) hurting the other person (by doing this, you're not beating yourself up anymore) or b.) forgive yourself for letting someone hurt you (only YOU can let someone else make you feel inferior). A lot of people don't ever truly grow as a person because they are busy beating themselves up over something that happened in high school or something. It's over, move on.

Sorry for all the lame quotes, just felt appropriate
4. Know when to get out. If someone is toxic, leave. Seriously. Throw the memories into a nice little box in your brain, remember the good times (only remember the bad so you can tell your future children the stories...haha) and just get the hell out of that relationship. This could be a friend, a family member or significant other. If someone continuously hurts you, is never there when you need them, ignores you, or just is mean to you, why stay? Really, what is keeping you? To me, this just proves you have no respect for yourself. And, hey, GUESS WHAT: they have no respect for you! Are they lying awake at night thinking about how they have wronged you today? HELL NO. They give NO SHITS ABOUT YOU. Some people are just....bad. They're weighing you down and taking you with them and their bad intentions. Understand that you're better than them (YEP, YOU ARE) and you need to leave before they take you down with them. But, don't worry, I'm sure they have a one-way ticket on the KarmaTrain, so do not try to get "even." How high school.

5. Understand that there IS better. There are always going to be better friends, co-workers, family members, boyfriends/girlfriends than the shitty ones you have right now. I PROMISE. The sooner you rid yourself of the toxic people, the sooner the good ones will appear. Seriously, think about it: if you're always sad/down/negative/give off bad vibes, what good person would want to be around/with you?

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