Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Confessions of a Newly Single Girl

So, I'm newly single. Like it's-been-a-little-over-a-month-and-it-was-a-four-year-relationship newly single. These are my feelings/opinions/observances through my newly-single eyes (aka: I need to vent):

  1. The thought of going out on a date scares the shit out of me.
  2. Tinder is very...entertaining.
  3. I don't think Tinder is a good way to find the love of your life.
  4. I need to write a Tinder blogpost.
  5. People will come out of the damn wood-work trying to get with you.
  6. I'm (way) ballsier than I thought I was.
  7. Relationships require more work than I'm willing to give right now.
  8. I'm never going to be this young and this free ever again.
  9. Always choose friends.
  10. I think guys should grow a pair and ask girls out like the olden days, not via Fbook/twitter/TINDER.
  11. I still hope that my future husband and I will have a great story of how we met.
  12. I still hope that my future husband is Ryan Gosling.
  13. I'm not buying one damn drink for myself when I'm 21. 
  14. I'm confident apparently. 
  15. I know what I want in my next relationship.
  16. I know what I don't want in my next relationship.
  17. I will always care for my ex, but I will also always support him and his new relationships.
  18. I'm so stinkin' picky. 
  19. "DRIVE" by Miley is the best gotdamn song on the cd. 
  20. I need to change my "type."
  21. I can't change my "type." I won't allow it. *sigh...*
  22. I have way more guy friends now.
  23. I've met a lot of new people lately.
  24. I'm happy.
  25. I thought it was really important to have my life planned out, you know, when to get married, have babies, etc... But now I know it's better to just let things...happen. 
  26. I need to go on a date. Or 100.
  27. Guys will flirt with NO shame.
  28. As cliche as it is, it's important to work on yourself when you're single.
  29. I've learned so much about myself in just a short time.
  30. Girls that don't say "Thank you" to a guy that holds the door open for them, ESPECIALLY when their girlfriend is there, YOU SUCK.
  31. Guys, always hold the door open for girls, even if your girlfriend is there.
  32. There are not enough gentlemen today.
  33. Polo does the man's body good.
  34. A lot of guys (and girls, I admit) act super different when they drink. If you're normally fun and alcohol doesn't increase your level of fun-ness, but decreases it, YOU SUCK and lose points in my book.
  35. I think people always miss what they don't have anymore, but you can't stay stuck in the past.
  36. If you want something, you'll make it work, no matter what.
  37. I need to work out more.
  38. I need to eat better.
  39. Yeah, I like actually still believe the guy (my guy) from the Nicholas Sparks books/movies exist. 
  40. The little things, fellas (And ladies).
  41. This list was basically just me rambling.
  42. Life is good. 
  43. Be happy.
  44. ...whether you're single (yay) or not (...yay).

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