Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I've started to notice lately that I kind of say "NO" a lot. Whether that's getting lunch with someone (OK-I don't just come out and say "NO!!" - I'm not that rude guys) going out, etc... I just am never motivated to get up and get going, I would rather lay around and watch RHWNJ (Real Housewives of New Jersey, c'mon!).

I'm just tired a lot because I work such odd hours  that come the weekend, it's kind of hard to picture myself drinking/going out/staying up late when I'm exhausted.

I kind of do...Is that terribly sad?
HOWEVER, I am 20 years old. I will be 21 in EXACTLY 3 months from today -----MARK YOUR CALENDARS, PEOPLE!---- and I need to live it up.

This school year (which starts Monday....YIKES) I am going to make my best effort to say "YES" more than "NO". Now, I am absolutely going to allow myself to say the n-word (woah, there) but only if I already have prior commitments, am sick or deathly afraid of spending alone time with that person.

I feel like sometimes we are just so busy with school and work that we may forget that we are also living. Life is going to end one day (well, this post turned rather morbid) and you don't want to be old and decrepid and think "why didn't I do that while I had the chance?"
+ nothing is worse than missing out on a night and not witnessing hilarious or drama-filled moments.

You need to make time for fun and your friends. Don't miss out on things you'll regret missing out on.

REMEMBER: You can re-take a class, you can't re-take a party. (HAHAHAHAA, JK, WELL, kinda --- STAY IN SCHOOL, KIDS).

So, ask yourself:
Do you find yourself saying "NO" a lot?

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