Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 2013 Golden Tote Review!

Okay, so last month I wrote about a new subscription box called The Golden Tote.  I was decently pleased and therefore, decided I would purchase it again this month. However, I am a little frustrated..

I just feel as if the totes are not equal. Okay, obviously there is a large difference between $50 and $150, so yes, I agree the $150 tote should be better. BUT, why can't they include most of the items that are offered in the $150 tote, but since you're paying $50 you only get to choose ONE item. No, instead they place items that aren't even on the same level as the $150 tote. It's just frustrating! 

$50 tote options (pick 1):

$150 tote options (pick 2):

Like, WHAT?! There is seriously not even a comparison to how much better the products are in the $150 tote to the $50 tote.

So, here is what I received this month:

To start this post off positively, they switched up their bag design and I love it!

1. Puella Brocade Pullover Sweatshirt ($48) | This is the item I picked for my tote this month. When it arrived, I thought it was cute, but I wasn't blown away. It just doesn't fit me well, look how baggy it is!

2. Flying Tomato sweater ($40?) | This was my surprise item for this month. Honestly, I hate it. It fits horridly, it's itchy and just too young looking for my liking (by that I mean that I would wear this in high school, not college).  AND, this was the only other surprise item I received. 

3.  Sofala Thin Bangle ($16) | I received this item for being one of the first 75 customers to purchase their tote. But, like, is this a joke? It is literally HUGE. It slides off of my wrist if I put my hand down. It's essentially unwearable. 

So, I returned this month's box. I just was very disappointed and not willing to keep the clothing items, I'd rather spend $50 on clothing elsewhere. Even though I had to pay $10 for return shipping (that I won't be getting reimbursed for) it is still worth it to return this box in my eyes. 

I think The Golden Tote is a wonderful concept, but if they don't get their crap together, it's going to go downhill fast.

I'm hopeful that next month will be better, as they are already posting pictures and the items look cute, but knowing my luck they'll only be offered in the $150 tote...No, thanks.

*This box was paid for with my own money, all thoughts/opinions are my own. 

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