Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Wreath

I have this thing I enjoy doing when I'm completely sober. Some may call it stealing, I prefer swiping. * I WILL SAY THOUGH, I have never stolen anything of value....well, I guess it depends who you're asking..*


It all started when my gal pals from my freshman year at IU got together one weekend. We decided we were going to hit up our crowd-favorite fraternity, Delta Upsilon. Why are we still going to frats you may ask? BECAUSE WE AREN'T 21 YET, SHUT UP.

Anyway, my dear friends, this is the story of my most recent (and epic) swipe: the wreath

So, we're havin a ball, dancin and what not... when two of the three friends decides to go home or sew or whatever...the other friend I'm left with, J, and I are hanging out. We're just in their kitchen minding our business talking to people

SIDE STORY: Ok, so she's talking to her boy toy and I was just being nice and talking to this other DU brother, literally about school and Syria and shit. Not even flirting. So we are talking and all of the sudden he's like "it's hot down here, I'm going to go up to my can come if you want." UHH....SKURT. NO, THANKS! I just said "oh okay, nice talking to you!" and that was that.  C'mon guys... 

So, after that weirdo left J says "Rayven! You have to find something to take!!" I immediately agree and am looking around at these like basic fake flowers they put on their tables in the kitchen, when she's like "TAKE THAT WREATH!!" UH, GENIUS. So, I take the thing off of the wall and am walking around the kitchen with it (see pic below). 

We then decide that we obviously  can't go out the side door where the pledge rides are given, it will totally get we must go out the front door. 

We walk up two flights of stairs, pass their party/dance room, and make it to the front door where brothers are standing. Lucky for us: the (actually sober) president is there! & he lived on our floor freshman year (cha-ching!)  So I'm wearing the wreath still like a sash and say "Ok, W, I'm going to take this wreath" to which he replies "Go for it." Yeah, he's awesome.

At this point in time, MULTIPLE brothers start yelling"YEAH, TAKE IT!!! TAKE THAT WREATH!!" Like, they loved it. It was beautiful.  As this is occurring, someone runs up behind me and says "Yeah...I'm going to need to take that from you." I just stood there and said "I'M NOT RESISTING!!" Like, I sounded like I was getting arrested. Anyway, then the guys are like "DUDE, LET HER TAKE THE DAMN WREATH" and then I hear "OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!"

They open the front door, then a guy yells "RUN!!!!!" so, that's what we did. J and I sprinted out of there with the wreath (that has probably been gloriously hanging in that kitchen for decades) still around my neck. 

In the distance I hear the beautiful words of "RUN BEFORE EXEC. GETS YOU!" 

We then walked with it all the way home. (& Yes, cop cars passed, people passed (and laughed hysterically) and no one got in trouble.)

AH, college. 

If you ask me, they should blow up this picture and put it in place of the wreath.....I'm going to talk to someone about making that happen.....

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