Monday, June 24, 2013

Let's Talk About: Getting Fit!

 Ah....Being fit. It's something everyone wants, but not everyone gets. But, why is that? I'm going to break it down for you and maybe after reading this, you'll be inspired enough to get off the couch and step away from your computer!

1.You're lazy as hell. 
YEAH, I SAID IT. You're lazy. Maybe you don't wake up until noon every day, or you are just "too busy" to work out. HA! An hour workout is only 4% of your day. You'd be so surprised how much you can accomplish in an hour. I say even if you go for a damn walk outside, you're at least trying. You're only hurting yourself. You think I always want to work out? HELL NO. But, I go anyway because after I'm done, I'm damn happy I went.

 *Advice: I do think it is important that if you just simply do not want to work out, don't go. Why? Because you're not going to have a productive work out session.

*** I take off every Sunday and I typically go to a yoga studio. But, if I don't feel like it, I will just do nothing. Which is OK. Because I work out 6/7 days. (Honestly, I think 5/7 is awesome, too).

*****WORK OUT WITH A FRIEND! Studies show that when you work out with another person who is more fit than you, you're more inspired and work out longer and more efficiently.

2. You eat like SHIT. 
 Look, now I am someone that, if I want a piece of apple pie, I'm GOING to eat that gotdamned piece of pie. Why? Because I'm young and I eat right 90% of the time, so I can afford a stinkin' slice of pie, a chocolate bar or cake (maybe even the entire thing if I'm feelin' frisky). But, you just simply cannot eat processed foods, fast food,drink soda and drink alcohol excessively and expect to have the perfect body.

"But, but, Rayven! What do YOU eat then?!" 
1. I only drink water or juice. Even if I drink alcohol, I chase (Yes, I chase you bitch)  with juice or Gatorade (Which, admittedly isn't the best for you, but still better than soda).

2. Fruits/Veggies. They're GOOD for you! Since I've started eating clean, I've noticed that I honestly prefer smoothies to milkshakes, all it takes is time.

3. Lean meats. Ok, I do not have a grill on hand at my house. I personally just buy the bags of Tyson Ready chicken breasts or Fajita strips and cook those. They're about $6-$8 and last me 2 weeks or more.

4. Rice, oatmeal, Cream of Wheat. All of these are better for you than you think. Oatmeal is EXCELLENT for breakfast. Cream of Wheat is a hidden gem many people do not know about. It takes some practice to make, but once you've got it, put some Stevia in it and a LITTLE bit of butter and you're golden.

5. MINIMAL sweets. I used to be obsessed with candy. I loved it. But, I've cut that out. I do have chocolate from time to time (Which, dark choc. is GOOD for you if you get the right kind) and like I said, I eat dessert. A lot. But, I don't have the largest portion anymore. I do cheat from time to time and get a large portion, but I say that as long as you are working out and eating well the rest of the time, you can afford to splurge.

3.You just don't want it bad enough.
Maybe you aren't trying to get fit for YOU. Which, is wrong. You should neverneverNEVER try to change yourself for someone else. Get fit for YOU and I swear you'll feel prouder of yourself and happier. (I 110% condone getting fit after a break up to show them what they're missin'). All I'm sayin' is if you're getting fit for someone else, but they never comment, compliment or approve of your changes, you'll be crushed. Know your own goals and comment, compliment and approve of your own changes. 

4. You don't know where to begin.
Maybe you are just super unhappy with everything and just don't know where to start with your body. Arms? Abs? Legs? Here's an idea: Start with cardio. Ride a bike, elliptical, run on the treadmill (or outside, that's better for your body and is more enjoyable). That way, you can get used to doing something in the gym and it will boost your confidence. Then, when you're ready, try the machines. Many gyms have trainers (or just employees) that will gladly show you how to PROPERLY use the machines. However, I personally watched people while I was on the bike and then would try it, the only problem with that is that they may not be doing the machine correctly.

"Rayven, how did YOU start?"
I began by riding the upright bike. Then, I started on the leg machines. I was always shy about doing my arms because I had NO upper-body strength, so I thought people would judge me. Once I was very confident in my legs and had moved up quite a lot on those machines, I started with my arms. While I am still very weak in my upper-body, I am improving. I have also noticed that NO ONE is judging you. Everyone in the gym is worried about getting themselves fit, not about you getting fit.
*While it varies from person to person, I would advise either 1. Becoming comfortable with either your arms or legs and then working to the other (like I did) or 2. Just going for it from the beginning and doing both. However, I would do "Leg day" and "Arm day" so you do not overwhelm yourself in one day and your body can rest.

Just TWO weeks of eating clean & working out 6/7 days.

5. You're looking at the negatives.
Here's somethin': I have small boobs. They're not tiny, but would I be happy with a full B or small C? Yes. BUT, am I about to run out and get surgery? NO! 1. I'm broke as hell 2. I'd rather get a new car but 3. IT'S WHO I AM. Instead, I'm working on the other parts of my body. And, YES, I do look in the mirror and think "Wow, I want to be more fit" but I neverneverNEVER put myself down. I just make goals and stick to them, because fitness takes time and it's not just going to happen in one week.

*Advice: When you become confident in one area, DO NOT put down another, it will just lower your self esteem. If you're unhappy with something, make goals to change it POSITIVELY. Give yourself rewards and recognize and understand that your progress WILL happen and IS happening, it just may not be appearing at once.

***I recommend taking pictures of your body (not naked, dear lord, what if someone finds your phone?!) in the beginning and as you progress, that way you can easily see your progress.

This is why I squat ;)

Need some fitspiration? 
These are my favorite Instagram accounts to follow for fitness inspiration: 

KarenaKatrina (Or the "Tone it Up!" girls)

I know it's hard to hear sometimes, but if you feel that you fall into some of the things I mentioned, what's stopping you? I mean, really. At least try.

If you need any help/advice, please feel free to contact me or comment below and I will be more than happy to help.

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